Who's in the film?
Now with their only being two specific actor in our opening sequence, as an opening sequence we still need to project who is in the actual opening sequence and provide further information to the audience for who has participated in the production process and specific creators for the possible use of soundtracks etc.
Recently as a group we have checked different themes of different opening sequences from other films from the website our teacher gave us:
The website have a library of different opening title sequences from different genre of films. The idea was to look at a range of different title sequences from the different films and round up and narrow down which title sequence related to our opening sequence the most.
Our favourite and first choice is the title sequence in the film 'SE7EN' (Seven) Directed in 1995, by David Fincher. The timing of the appearance of the titles flow well with the action taking place in the back ground, especially its choice of font. Which is a main favourite and choice of soundtrack.
Another Favourite is the title sequence featured in the film, Alien, Directed by Ridley. This immediately brings the thought of suspense to mind, because of its use of a dark/black background, being space with chilled soundtrack in the background is another idea that could relate to our opening sequnce.
The purpose of the title sequence is to use a suitable type of font and style that will tell the audience who participated in the creation of the opening sequence, while still creating suspense.